Nonprofit Organization

501c3 Charitable Organization

Blackbaud's Raiser's Edge NXT® User


Private Club

501c7 Golf or Country Club

Watch to see how BellesBoard easily streamlines your board management tasks

Running a successful nonprofit is hard enough.
But add in hundreds of mundane board management chores – and your work becomes overwhelming.

top board management software

From answering repeated questions, to scheduling dates, handling invites, documents, minutes, contact details, follow up emails and on and on.
It’s a wonder that you have any time for the really valuable stuff you do.

But there’s a better way

BellesBoard is the easy way to cut out board management chaos and empower your board members to be effective champions for your cause

Your centralized portal for automating board management tasks. Designed from the ground up to help nonprofits save time, money and boost board member engagement.


Join these top nonprofits simplifying their board management with BellesBoard

This is costing you more than just your sanity.

We worked out that the extra time wasted on mundane board management tasks is costing you as much as $9000 per year.

Worse still – because important information is all over the place, your board members are not able to contribute and promote your mission as well as they could.

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